Tuesday, August 7, 2007

The Divine Plan

Your Part in the Divine Plan~
Your part of this Divine Plan is unique. There is not another soul who has been prepared in exactly the same way to accomplish what you have volunteered to do. You have all of the wisdom, skill, knowledge, strength, courage and ability you need to succeed. The Legions of Light throughout Infinity are standing in readiness awaiting the opportunity to assist you at your beck and call.

Only your mighty I AM Presence can reveal to you the full magnitude of this auspicious moment in the Earth’s evolution. As you seek the Kingdom of Heaven within, all will be revealed to you. Read these words and feel them resonating in the deepest recesses of your heart. Allow the inner knowing of this Truth to awaken within you the remembrance of your purpose and reason for being.

The influx of Creation Energy expands through the open door of Humanity’s collective consciousness, the Grid of Divine Love is becoming stronger and more powerful. The Beings of Light have indicated that the collective radiance of this Grid of Love is the most powerful force of Light on the planet at this time. It has formed a Bridge of Light that spans the abyss from the lowest vibrations on Earth into the 5th-Dimensional Realm of Infinite Physical Perfection. This is the Bridge to Freedom over which this Earth and all her Life are now Ascending onto the next Spiral of Evolution.

The Grid of Divine Love within the Heart Flames of Humanity is once again fulfilling its Divine Purpose, we have the ability as never before to heal our self-inflicted separation from each other and our Father-Mother God. This is, in fact, the next phase of the Divine Plan. Can you fathom the elation pouring forth from the Heavenly Realms as this opportunity is presented to the dedicated Lightworkers on Earth?
We each have the ability to serve as a surrogate on behalf of Humanity. “As I AM lifted up, all Life is lifted up with me.” To begin the process, we need to open our hearts to every evolving soul on Earth. This is not easy when we observe some of the terrible things people are doing to each other and to the other lifeforms on the planet, but it is a necessary step in becoming an Instrument of God.
Remember, the most powerful awakening force in the Universe is the power of God’s Love flowing through your sacred Heart Flame into the Heart Flame of another Human Being.

We never know what set of circumstances compels people to choose the negative paths they have chosen or what causes them to make the self-destructive decisions they make, but in order to shift our feelings from anger and disappointment to love and understanding, we need to step back and contemplate the bigger picture. First of all, we must remember that everyone is doing the best they can according to their wisdom, their understanding and their belief systems.

This is true regardless of whether or not we think they should know better or whether it is obvious to everyone else in the world that what the person is doing is wrong. If the person fully understood the principle of the Oneness of all Life and the ramifications of their negative actions in the face of that fundamental Law, they would not behave in the negative manner in which they are behaving. It is just that simple.
When we grasp the Truth that everyone is doing the best they can, our thinking changes. We no longer look at people as bad or evil. Rather, we look at them as we would unaware children who are unable to comprehend the results of their behavior. Sometimes children do terrible things without any idea of what the end result of their actions will be, but instead of hating them and wishing them harm, we embrace them and strive to teach them a better way through love and patience.

Through the love, compassion and dedicated invocations of awakened Lightworkers, the Grid of Divine Love is now softening the hearts and enlightening the minds of recalcitrant souls who are resisting the Light. These precious ones are gradually raising their heads above the negativity and, one-by-one, they are reclaiming the path of existence that will inspire them to fulfill the mission of cocreating Heaven on Earth.

As the newly activated Grid of Divine Love bathes the hearts and minds of Humanity, more and more people are awakening and remembering who they are and why they are here. When people awaken and their consciousness is raised up, they begin to “see with new eyes and hear with new ears.” This phenomenon has the effect of allowing people to clearly perceive the Divine Truth that ALL Life is interconnected, interrelated and interdependent. Then people know THERE IS NO US AND THEM; we are ALL One.

When this Truth resonates in the deepest recesses of our hearts, the validity of war becomes impossible to reconcile, and the distorted concept of poverty, greed, corruption, violence, abuse of power, oppression, hatred, selfishness, prejudice, pollution, disease, ignorance or any other reflection of our belief in separation becomes impossible to accept.
We are in the midst of a peak transmission period from the Celestial Realms. In August 2007, we will celebrate the 20th anniversary of Harmonic Convergence. Every year for the past 20 years, during the week of Harmonic Convergence, the Company of Heaven has worked with embodied Lightworkers to accomplish a unique facet of the Divine Plan. The intent of that Divine Intervention has been to fulfill the greatest need of the hour in Humanity’s Ascension process. Step by step, miracles have taken place that have catapulted this sweet Earth and all her Life up the Spiral of Evolution. Now we are being asked to join together to accomplish the most critical phase of the Divine Plan that has been attempted to date.
The vehicle that will be used to gather the Lightworkers is the Twenty-first Annual World Congress On Illumination. This event is being held during the twentieth anniversary of Harmonic Convergence, August 11-16, 2007. The location will be the beautiful Loews Ventana Canyon Resort in the foothills of Tucson. This is going to be a celestial experience for all in attendance. If you feel the Heart Call to be physically present in Tucson, it is not too late.

During this sacred and holy week, The Light of God will pour through the collective Heart Flames of the Lightworkers gathered at the World Congress On Illumination~
Lightworkers from all over the world will participating both physically and mentally.
This Light will form an atomic accelerator and magnetize into this Forcefield of Light the souls who are feeling overwhelmed by the purification taking place in their own lives and on the Earth. This Healing will include every struggling soul from Lightworker to neophyte to the unawakened soul who has not been able to lift up enough to experience the wondrous energies of the 5th Dimension. It will include every person who is experiencing pain and suffering through the accelerated purification process the Earth is now going through~

Patricia Diane Cota-Robles
New Age Study of Humanity's Purpose, Inc.
a 501 (c) 3 nonprofit educational organization 1. http://www.eraofpeace.org

E-mail: PattiCR@aol.com; FAX: 520-546-6143; Phone: 520-885-7909
PO Box 41883, Tucson, Arizona 85717

This article is copyrighted, but you have my permission to share it through any medium as long as the proper credit line is included.

©2007 Patricia Diane Cota-Robles

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